Return to In-Person Worship2022-09-02T14:26:53+00:00

What to expect

Update Sept 2, 2022: Masks will be required while in the building whenever the CDC COVID risk level in DuPage County is at a “high” level. You can check the transmission levels for DuPage on the CDC website. When transmission levels are at “medium” or below, masks are optional. We will continue to update the below FAQs with the latest information. Please be patient with us and your fellow congregation members as the situation continues to evolve.

How will Communion be handled?2022-03-12T22:50:44+00:00

Individually wrapped and sealed communion elements are passed through the pews. You’re also welcome to “BYOE” (bring your own elements!).

Who will be singing/how will hymns be handled?2022-03-25T16:02:59+00:00

Congregational singing, along with the choir, is fully back – although everyone must keep their masks on during singing.

Will everyone be masked?2022-09-02T14:31:34+00:00

Update Sept 2, 2022: Masks will be required while in the building whenever the CDC COVID risk level in DuPage County is at a “high” level. You can check the transmission levels for DuPage on the CDC website.

How will people be seated?2021-10-23T20:45:10+00:00

You’re encouraged to maintain physical distancing to the extent possible while in the building. Some may have higher tolerance than others, so just try to be aware and sensitive to others.

Will Sunday school be provided?2022-04-13T02:27:05+00:00

Starting at age three (Pre-K) through 5th Grade, Sunday school meets during the service from about 10:15-11:00 AM weekly during the school year. The children start with their families at the service and are then dismissed to Sunday school.

Will nursery care be available?2022-04-13T02:27:37+00:00

Yes, the nursery will be open for children up to age 5 during Sunday morning worship. Nursery care is available from 9:30 am – 11 am Sunday mornings.

Will there be coffee hour?2022-03-25T16:02:29+00:00

Coffee hour is fully back at this time!

How will offerings be collected?2022-03-12T22:53:51+00:00

The offering plate is once again being passed through the pews, and you can still give online or through your bank, as we have been doing throughout the pandemic.

See Online Worship

A gentle reminder

As we make our way back into our sanctuary, we’re bringing with us all of the feelings that’ve built up over the past year. I encourage you to sit with those feelings, and also realize that the people next to you may or may not be feeling similarly. So let’s be gentle with each other. If someone tries to greet you in a way that surprises you, please don’t be offended, but please do be assertive in communicating how you prefer to be greeted. Please also respect people’s privacy. Personality differences and various situations mean that different people are in very different places as we return to in-person activities.  – Rev. Mark Winters

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